We Are The Church


These are unusual and uncertain times. We are all learning new levels of patience and adaptability during this crisis, both personally and as followers of Christ. What is also true in these strange times is that God is faithful. With attentiveness to the moving of the Spirit, we will be creative in remaining a people who worship, who grow in faith, and who serve our God and neighbors.

Our faith in Jesus Christ demands that we love our neighbors by not gathering in-person right now. Therefore, Session voted to comply with official recommendations for churches and suspend in-person worship in our building for all of April. We will continue to adjust as circumstances unfold. Considering guidance from our denominational leaders, the Session also authorized the celebration of communion this coming Palm Sunday, April 5th. Likewise, we will have a time of worship online at 6:30PM on Maundy Thursday, though we will not celebrate communion at that time.

While we wish we could gather with a joyful music and flowers in our sanctuary for Easter, we will mark the day as best we can in our homes. We will worship online and acknowledge the power of Resurrection Hope. Our flower orders are on hold. When we can meet again in person,we will celebrate!!! And we will proclaim, as the song sung often by our church tells us, every morning is Easter morning!


There are two join-from-home options for the Sunday morning worship services:
• Facebook Livestreaming at 10:30 AM
1. Go to the FPCE Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/EastonFPC/
2. Look for Live Video. If you don't see a Live Video, click “Videos” on the left-hand menu.
3. Note, if you want to view the service at a later point, other than Live, it will be saved under VIDEOS.

• Website, Video of that Sunday Morning Service posted by Noon:
1. Visit the page on our church website: https://eastonfpc.org/online-worship

1. Before you join online worship, find a space to comfortably focus on worship. This may include your own table. Using what you have at home, assemble common elements of bread (pita, rye, cracker, sourdough, etc.) and liquid in a cup (wine, juice, water).
2. Join online worship (see above)
3. The Communion liturgy will be that which is used by our congregation when we normally celebrate communion. Follow along here.