Staying Connected

As I write to you, I cannot believe it is (almost) May. It has been quite a while since I have seen many of you in person. And yet, even under the strange circumstance brought about by COVID-19, we at First Presbyterian Church of Easton are being the Body of Christ.

We have been worshiping together. I see many of you log onto our Facebook page for our livestream worship. I see how many are watching our worship from our website. This Sunday we will again have communion. We are gathering. Our choir “meets” (online) each Wednesday night for some fellowship. Our book club is even meeting over a video conference this month. And each Thursday night, I am leading an online Bible study. Also, as Christ call us, we are continuing to serve our neighbors. We are delivering meals to Safe Harbor Homeless Shelter. Many of you are offering your time to serve others through “Meals On Wheels”. Our Deacons are staying in touch with our special care members and offering them support through prayers, cards and calls. And our leadership is making plans for the future. Embracing an adaptable attitude, our Session is discerning where God is leading us as we strategize about what the next few weeks and months will look like.

We will come together again. It will be with careful measures put in place. When that times comes, I will rejoice in seeing your face. Until then, know that God is with you each day. Prayers for your health and patience.