Online Worship

COVID-19 Worship Update + volunteers needed


Dear Members and Friends:

On Tuesday, September 15th, the Session of First Presbyterian Church of Easton voted to begin limited in-person worship on October 4, 2020. Due to COVID-19, we have designated certain guidelines to ensure that we protect each other’s health. Christ calls us to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves. As we heed the call to worship the God who loves us, we also must do so in a way which actively seeks to promote a safe and healthy worship environment.

It is the desire of our church leadership to take a step towards in-person worship, but please note we are intentionally starting with a low capacity of 25 persons in the sanctuary. Our guidelines also institute social distancing and mask wearing procedures. Additional cleaning will also be put into place. If it is a communion Sunday, the first Sunday of the month like Oct. 4th, please bring your own communion elements. See the below guidelines for more safety details.

We understand that there are many members of the congregation who are still not ready to venture back into the worship space. We encourage each individual and family to do what is safest for you and in accordance with your circumstances. Therefore, while we hold in-person worship we will continue to provide an online worship option as we have been for the past several months. For those who wish to come to in-person worship, we ask that you please come with an open mind as worship will feel different. Changes include not hugging or shaking hands and not singing together. But for some, returning to the sanctuary and hearing live voices lead us may truly be edifying.

Volunteers needed for In-person Worship:

Please call or email the church office if you can volunteer on any Sunday in the next 6 weeks, doing any of these tasks.
• 2 ushers to help with seating
• Audio support person
• Visual tech support person
• Liturgist

As we gather at home and in the sanctuary, we will celebrate the ways God continues to keep us connected. I look forward to worshipping with you in the weeks ahead whether on-line or in-person. God’s gracious spirit connects us no matter where we are.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Stefanie Muntzel


Due to COVID-19, we have put in place certain guidelines to ensure that we protect each other’s health.  Anyone entering our building must follow these guidelines:

Some general notes:

·  If you have symptoms that are consistent with COVID-19, you must not enter the church building.

·  If you know you have been exposed to COVID-19, you must not enter the church building.

·  Social distancing and masks are mandatory while in the building, as well as practicing good sanitation and hygiene practices.

·  Worship services are video-taped and shared online. While cameras are directed at worship leaders, there is always the possibility that your likeness may be filmed and shared online as well. 

·  We will not be offering nursery care at this time. Parents who opt to bring their children, should be prepared to help them stay seated in their pew for an hour.

Before you get to the church:

·  You must call or email the church office to reserve a spot for worship each week.

·  Seats will be reserved on a first come first served basis: from Monday at 9am through noon on Friday.

·  We will only take reservations for the upcoming Sunday. Your reservation will be confirmed by our office administrator by the end of the day on Friday.

·  Your registration serves as our attendance record and our means of contacting you if there is a need for follow-up.

· We have 15 spaces open each week for worshipers’ reservations (plus spaces for worship leaders, ushers, etc.). We do not anticipate being over-booked.

·  People will be seated in household groups. If you live with someone in the same house you can sit together. Otherwise we need to adhere to social distancing requirements.

·  There will be no time of fellowship or gathering before or after worship.

·  Bathroom use will be limited to restrooms on the ground floor, only. Please plan accordingly.

·  Windows and outside doors will be open during the service. Please be prepared for resulting drafts and temperatures fluctuations.

As you enter the building:

·  We ask that the congregation use the sanctuary door on Spring Garden Street to enter. Please maintain social distance at all times (in parking lot, as you wait to enter, etc.)

·  We will do a temperature check at the door (before you enter the building).

·  Seating will begin at 10 am. An usher will seat each party. Seating will close at 10:30am.

·  The parking lot entrance to the buildings is reserved for worship leadership. If anyone needs use of the elevator, they should request this when they make a reservation. An usher will be at the parking lot door from 10 am to 10:15 am to facilitate staggered use of the elevator.

·  When you are ushered to a pew, a bulletin will be at your seat.

·  The pews will be marked to allow for social distancing.

·  There will be no hymn books, cards, pencils, etc. in the pews.

·  Your mask must be worn as you enter and exit the building, as you move about the building and as you sit in the pew. Masks must cover your mouth and nose. 

Once you are seated in your pew:

·  There will be no singing. The hymns will be played. While singing is not allowed, you can hum along.

·  A soloist will sing each Sunday, but safety precautions will be followed. This includes keeping the singer 20 feet from the congregation.

·  Masks must continue to be properly worn through worship.

·  Please remain in your seat.

·  Worship leaders will remain the front of the sanctuary. They will remove their mask when speaking into a microphone—but will be more than 6 feet from any other person.

·  If you must use the restroom, please use the disinfectant wipes in the restroom to wipe all surfaces that you touched before leaving the restroom.

·  We will not be observing the passing of the peace.

After worship and as you leave:

·  Please wait for an usher to release you from your pew.

·  Take the bulletin with you (carry out what you carry in as well, please).

·  Offerings may be left in the plate by the exit. You are also welcomed to continue the method of giving you are currently using (i.e. mail to church or give online).

Note: We currently are also opening the building to limited, small group gatherings (under 10 persons) of FPCE ministry groups and teams (this includes for our sister church, Genesis). Safety guidelines and need to make reservations will also apply. Next month the Session will revisit opening the building in limited capacity to 12-step groups. We are exploring mission opportunities which can safely take place in our building and support our neighborhood and community.

Questions: email

We Are The Church


These are unusual and uncertain times. We are all learning new levels of patience and adaptability during this crisis, both personally and as followers of Christ. What is also true in these strange times is that God is faithful. With attentiveness to the moving of the Spirit, we will be creative in remaining a people who worship, who grow in faith, and who serve our God and neighbors.

Our faith in Jesus Christ demands that we love our neighbors by not gathering in-person right now. Therefore, Session voted to comply with official recommendations for churches and suspend in-person worship in our building for all of April. We will continue to adjust as circumstances unfold. Considering guidance from our denominational leaders, the Session also authorized the celebration of communion this coming Palm Sunday, April 5th. Likewise, we will have a time of worship online at 6:30PM on Maundy Thursday, though we will not celebrate communion at that time.

While we wish we could gather with a joyful music and flowers in our sanctuary for Easter, we will mark the day as best we can in our homes. We will worship online and acknowledge the power of Resurrection Hope. Our flower orders are on hold. When we can meet again in person,we will celebrate!!! And we will proclaim, as the song sung often by our church tells us, every morning is Easter morning!


There are two join-from-home options for the Sunday morning worship services:
• Facebook Livestreaming at 10:30 AM
1. Go to the FPCE Facebook page:
2. Look for Live Video. If you don't see a Live Video, click “Videos” on the left-hand menu.
3. Note, if you want to view the service at a later point, other than Live, it will be saved under VIDEOS.

• Website, Video of that Sunday Morning Service posted by Noon:
1. Visit the page on our church website:

1. Before you join online worship, find a space to comfortably focus on worship. This may include your own table. Using what you have at home, assemble common elements of bread (pita, rye, cracker, sourdough, etc.) and liquid in a cup (wine, juice, water).
2. Join online worship (see above)
3. The Communion liturgy will be that which is used by our congregation when we normally celebrate communion. Follow along here.