Online Worship Through the Summer

Dear First Presbyterian Church Friends and Members: 

On Tuesday evening our church leadership board, the Session, had a video conference call to discuss what our worship will look like this summer. It was unanimously decided to hold worship online only through September 13th. Our commitment as the Body of Christ is to maintain regular worship and to do so in a way which honors God by considering the health of our congregation and community.   

This was not an easy decision; everyone would love to gather and see one another again. As we discussed the many variables which “in person gatherings” raise, it was clear that requirements to gather safely would create a restrictive environment. Here are just a few examples of restrictions: Singing has been marked as an activity that raises the potential spread of Covid19. We cannot have a choir this summer. To maintain social distance and to ensure proper cleaning, normal patterns of building use would be disrupted. Even in our large sanctuary, to keep 6 feet apart, we could only use every 3rd pew. Worshipers would be required to make a reservation for worship. And very contrary to our welcoming worship, we would need to turn people away if we reached our seating capacity. We did look at the possibility of outdoor worship. Our only large outdoor location is the parking lot. The more space we use for folks to sit spaced apart, the less parking is available. Besides needing to cancel in case of rain, the heat and sun complicate gathering. We also know that spreading out, we would need to make sure people could hear speakers above the competing sounds of the downtown.  

The input from the recent congregational survey also informed the decision to worship online this summer.  We know that many in our congregation are persons over 65 years of age- this is a vulnerable group. And so, it was not surprising that a majority of those surveyed remain very concerned about being with a group of people. And so, we will stay the course. We will strive to continue to improve the on-line worship experience for visitors, friends, and congregation. We have had a “good turnout” from our congregation each week and we hope this continues. 

There will be options for groups of under 10 persons to meet on church grounds this summer. The preference is for a group to meet outside (we do have the means to offer shade for a smaller group.) All such gatherings will need to be scheduled through the office -- this way proper setup and cleaning can be scheduled. We will require social distancing, the wearing of masks and that no small group meets for longer than 45 minutes. Small group gatherings may be a way to include members who do not use technology. If you are interested in exploring being a part of a small group or wish to schedule a gathering for a church related ministry, please call or email the church office. While our office remains closed, our office administrator will begin office hours on premise on Tuesdays and Fridays, starting in July. 

This has not been an easy time for anyone. Your patience and commitment to the ministry of this congregation is a gift. God is good and faithful- let us hold fast to this and know that good days are ahead.

With gratitude,  

Rev. Stefanie Muntzel