COVID19 Update


Our church has had to be nimble and adaptive as we faced each week of this crisis, as information about and response to COVID19 has been ever changing. And yet throughout this uncertain time, your leaders have made each decision regarding worship and building use in an informed and prayerful manner—with the greatest concern being weighted to guard the health and well-being of our congregants and our neighbors. Not for one moment has this church closed.

As reports indicate that our county may be moved into the less restrictive “yellow phase” in June, we are diligently working on plans for what worship and ministry in the next several weeks and months. We know that we will have worship on-line only in the month of June. In June you will receive a survey asking for your perspective on in person gatherings. This is one of many pieces of information and recommendations the Session will use to make further decisions. We are not able to hold a congregational meeting this June. Officers currently serving have agreed to extend their terms until September.

Currently our building and office remain closed to the public and congregation.
I am in the office on Wednesdays. And our administrator, Kim Price, is in the office on Fridays. Messages on email and phone, as well as the mail, are being checked regularly. We are upgrading our worship sound system and applying for grant money to purchase additional equipment. Online worship will continue even when in-person options are available. We have learned to do some new things during this crisis and those learnings which enrich our ministry will continue.

Please be prepared. There will not (soon) be a return to how things were. We already are bracing for the reality that we will not be able to sing together for some time. But we will adapt-- we will worship God with joyful hearts even if with quieter voices. We are already lamenting the necessity to keep our distance, even when we meet “in-person”. But we will adapt-- we may hug less, but our care for each other and our neighbors will not diminish. God’s love for us has not changed and so we joyfully will move into our future with hope and faith.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Stefanie