
Called to Gather and to Go

Jesus said: “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”
Matthew 11:28

Jesus said: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.”
Matthew 28:18-20

Jesus calls us to gather and to go.

We come to God for renewal. We gather to worship God and in prayer, praise and celebration of the sacraments to be renewed for the journey of life. Why? Because we all carry burdens. God is the source of all that is good and giving thanks to God gives us perspective and fuels our perseverance. God is the source that makes us new each and every day.

To be renewed is also why we gather together in community with fellow travelers in faith. I recently met with long time members of the church who have not felt ready to return to in-person worship—they join worship each Sunday online. They shared how much they miss seeing and being with the people of our church. So many of us share this feeling—the fellowship of the church is a blessing from God. The times we eat together, laugh together, sing together, study the Bible together—this is being the church together—and it is medicine for the soul.

The leaders of this church- myself, Session, and Deacons—continue to intentionally seek ways to keep our community connected even as the Coronavirus, contentious social dynamics, political division, and economic tensions all pull at us. Big gatherings are not scheduled this Fall—but smaller get-togethers are possible. Our Bell Choir is ringing—using the sanctuary’s space to facilitate a safe environment. Our Chancel Choir is wearing their specialized masks. It’s a sign of their commitment to making a joyful noise to the Lord in a safe and responsible way. I lead a time of prayer in the sanctuary each Wednesday and look forward to a bagged lunch time of fellowship on the first Wednesday of each month. The Deacons are meeting and planning ways to help “gather” and connect us. And they are continuing to reach out to their care-partners.

But Christ not only calls us to gather. Jesus was sent to us so we would know the grace of God. And we are sent to go out into the world to do as he commanded. Jesus was clear when he said: I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. (John 13:34) We are committed to being a downtown church showing God’s love to our neighbors. This Fall, our Mission Team is guiding us with a clear mission-theme: Joining Hands to End Hunger. Our newly commissioned Blessing Box is a way we can serve our neighbors in a safe and sustainable way during this on-going time of social distancing. We will continue to work with our Mission partners in Easton - Safe Harbor, ProJeCt, Meals on Wheels- but with renewed commitment. Serving our neighbors is not a burden or obligation. Following Jesus in service fills our hearts with love, hope, peace and joy.

In whatever ways you can, know that you are invited to gather with your church and to go and serve your neighbors. As we gather and as we go to serve in love-- God is with us.

Yours in Christ,

Rev. Stefanie Muntzel

We are in this together

blessing box Easton PA food pantry mission hunger church lehigh valley PA

Together means God is with us and that we are connected by God’s grace. As a church we are a community of people who pledge to serve our neighbors and care for one another, together.

This past year it has been hard to connect. And we are expecting the coming year to be one of more twists and turns - will booster shots be required, when will kids be able to be vaccinated, will new variants develop? Staying connected in prayer and purpose is our goal.

I am going through the directory and calling all households to pray with you and for you.

Our Blessing Box will be dedicated at the end of the worship service on Sunday, September 19. Any Eagle Scouts who wish to come in uniform are welcome to do so—as the Blessing Box was constructed as an Eagle Scout project. Come learn how you can offer food to neighbors.

“Join Hands to End Hunger” is our mission theme for the coming year. The Mission Team has created a menu of hands-on-ministry actions, some new - some ongoing, which our entire congregation can participate in together.

Mid-week Meditation is a time for small groups to meet safely to pray together. This will happen with social distancing in our sanctuary. If coming to worship in person is not an option for you on Sundays and you do not feel worshipful watching worship online, this is a devotional time for you. This begins on September 22.

Brown Bag Lunch is a time of fellowship for members and friends of the church to join Pastor Stefanie on the first Wednesday of each month, starting October 6, from noon to 1pm.

I invite you to recommit yourself to being the church by offering your gifts, talents, and treasures to support the ministry of the church and by participating in some way of re-connecting with this church community this Fall. The choir is looking for a way to come together to make music. We are exploring ways to form mini prayer groups (prayer pods) of folks who will pledge to pray for each other and will call one another regularly. There is interest in transforming one Sunday a month into children and youth Sunday. Your re- commitment to our mission and ministry will propel this church into the future AND make it a place where more people can come to know the love of God.

I look forward to partnering with you in the coming season.

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Stefanie Muntzel

Coming Clean in Lent

Lent is a forty-day period before Easter which is inspired by Christ’s forty days in the wilderness. This was a time during which Jesus prepared for his ministry of teaching, healing, and giving his life on the cross. During this season, Christ’s followers seek to reorient our lives in the pattern of Jesus. We prepare ourselves to be open to the mystery and joy of Easter.

The focus of this season is on the repentance of sins. Sometimes we humans make mistakes- we lock our keys in our car. Mistakes are not sins. Sins are actions which push a wedge between us and God. Sins hurt others and they weigh on our souls. Lent becomes a time of empowerment, when we Christians look at ourselves with humility and come in prayer to confess to God. We need not be ashamed, because we are not our sins. God made us and loves us. We tell God we are sorry and seek to change our ways because we know that God will forgive us. We know confession is good for our soul.

In Psalm 51, the writer of this poem/prayer asks God to “create in me a clean heart”. The washing away of sins is a metaphor which is used throughout scripture. Anyone who has taken a needed shower knows the relief of being washed clean. This is the gift of Lent- it’s a time to come clean with ourselves and with God.

This Lent, I am asking our community here at First Presbyterian Church of Easton to consider the metaphor of coming clean in concrete ways. We know we have not been good stewards of the Earth. We pollute God’s creation. We waste natural resources. God gave humans enough resources for us all to have life: not just to survive but to live abundantly and fully. But we who claim to honor our Creator, do not use our gifts of intelligence and of compassion to find reasonable ways that no one be hungry or thirsty. We need to come clean before God, and look at how the Christian community can show the world our respect for God’s creation.

Today we know that we must reduce our use of plastic which unlike natural resources does not biodegrade. Not enough of plastic can be recycled, so we can do things like opt for plastic which has already been recycled and we can opt for plastic which we can reuse, rather than use once. In our church coffee hour, we will be exploring how to reduce our waste by having a “mug” counter where washable coffee cups are available. The idea is that individuals will either bring in their own reusable coffee container and bring it home or use (and wash) the mugs we provide. We do NOT want deacons and deacon helpers to get stuck washing mugs.

Won’t you join me in coming clean this Lent?

• Forget giving up chocolate in Lent: give up buying anything plastic until Easter.
• Save water and fossil fuels by committing to giving up meat one day a week: Friday or Meatless Mondays.
• Install a programmable thermostat or lower your thermostat at least 2 degrees to save energy. For each degree lowered, you save 5% on your home heating costs.
• Pet waste hurts your watershed when it’s washed into storm drains, streams, and other water. It’s one kind of pollution that can be easily cleaned up.
• Plan to stock Easter baskets with Fair Trade* chocolate and other goodies. Use Fair Trade* coffee and tea, like our Deacons are doing this Lent in coffee hour.

Your pastor,

* Fair Trade goods like coffee, chocolate and sugar are made according to a set of standards that encourages environmental sustainability, as well as ensuring that the people involved in production were treated and compensated fairly. Learn more at fairtradecertified.org

Summer 2019 Mission Projects

“Cover The Piggies” Shoe Collection

Once again, we will be helping First UCC on Third Street collect sneakers for school age children in Easton. The sneakers (gently used shoes and new sneakers all sizes) collection will take place until July 29th.

The Mission Team will place a collection box in Legacy Hall for donations and will deliver them to First UCC.

If you know of a family that is in need of this program, please click here to download this flyer to give them. Registration (a must) needs to be done between July 11 and July 19th. Once registered, an appointment time will be given to the recipient (who must be able to pick-up their own sneakers) for Saturday, August 17th.

Support the Troops Collection

Traveling this summer? Please take the small soaps, shampoos, creams, etc. that you do not use. Please bring them to church and leave them in the Mission Team Mailbox. We will be mailing donations to the troops.

Safe Harbor Dinner Sign-Ups

The sign-up sheet for 1st Monday Dinners at Safe Harbor is posted on the upstairs Mission Bulletin Board.

What is Safe Harbor? It’s an Easton Facility for helping those that are unable to temporarily provide for themselves. Lunch and dinner are provided daily by area communities, which includes our congregation.

Questions? Contact Nancy Udut or the church office.