Gift of the Church

Dear Friends,

My son is currently taking a psychology class. While driving home from somewhere, he shared something he learned in that class: “Mom, did you know that people who practice religion are healthier and live longer than others?”

I am familiar with studies that have been done on mental health and longevity in people of faith. That afternoon we talked about all the gifts of being in a church community—the support and encouragement I have seen church members give each other when we are having difficult times, the fun we have when marking important joyful occasions like birthdays and holy days, and the positive impact of serving others with and through a church. I also told him how much prayer and the wisdom of God’s Word help me when I am feeling stressed out or over-whelmed. It does a mother’s heart (and a pastor’s heart) good to see a young person recognize the positives of being active in one’s faith community.

As we gather in the coming month to give thanks for all our blessings, I encourage you to keep in mind the gift of “the church”. In a time when there is so much to worry about related to so many areas of our lives (the environment, politics, economics, and health), what a joy it is to come to a place of refuge and sanctuary where we can be renewed and revived by God’s grace! I certainly give thanks for the opportunity to serve as your pastor and to continue to grow together as God calls us into a fruitful future!

Your pastor,