First Presbyterian Church has been asked to provide a lunch for the ARK Soup Kitchen. This year, we will host Saturday, August 21, and the meal will be distributed at the Episcopal Church on Third Street at 12pm. The menu has changed because of COVID-19; instead of serving 80-90 plated dinners, we will be making bagged meals for 40+ recipients. The Mission Team is asking for donations to fill the bags. There will be a donation box at the church for non-perishable items, such as fruit cups, sippy drinks, chips, pretzels, peanut butter/cheese crackers, candy bars, etc. All must be individual serving sized for the lunch bags. Perishable items like bread, meat, cheese, etc. will be purchased the week of the luncheon. Monetary donations are welcome. The bags will then be assembled by the Mission Team and dropped off at the Episcopal Church. FYI: ARK is able to provide lunches year-round because of the generosity of area churches, schools, and other local venues.