We've opened our building and our hearts to support the work of ProJeCt of Easton (learn more here).
To continue that support, buy our $5, new, locally-printed face masks. 50% of sale will be donated to ProJeCt. Order your masks by calling 610-253-3579 or by emailing office@eastonfpc.org.
Bring cash or a check made out to the church with “mask” on the memo line.
Love your neighbor by wearing your mask in public.
Masks will be available to pick up during the Lent Bag pick ups the week of Valentine’s day:
Parking Lot Pick up days (updated due to weather):
Sunday, Feb 14th: Noon - 3 PM
Wednesday, Feb 17th: 10 AM - 2 PM
Please let the church office know if you would like a contactless delivery to your home instead and that can be arranged.